Indonesia Geothermal Center of Excellence (iGCOE) is an independent foundation that strive to develop geothermal energy usage in Indonesia by becoming collaborator of all relevant stakeholders such as: government, industry, education institution, and the community. iGCOE is hoped to be able to synergize the stakeholders interest so that the problem that can't be solved before due to the limited function and responsibility of every stakeholders can be solved.
iGCOE define its function to three division:
The first agenda done in 2015 was meeting with the stakeholders and some roadshow to institutions that are relevant to geothermal development in Indonesia. Generally, the program in 2015 are a form of geothermal energy socialization to the mass. These programs. "Geothermal Goes to School", "Geothermal Goes to Campus", and "Geothermal Goes to Communtiy" are example of event in this nature.
Before socialization is done, a thorough social mapping needs to be done so the material content and forms given will be effective and efficient to the target audiendce. Looking at the current society opinion on geothermal energy usage, iGCOE have important roles to promote the geothermal energy as a sustainable and environmentally friendly energy resources.
To enhance geothermal development in Indonesia
SUMARLIN, Antonius Widyatma, is a Faculty Member and a Researcher at Branding Department of School of Business and Economics, Universitas Prasetiya Mulya, Indonesia. He earned his Ph.D degree in...
Nenny Miryani Saptadji is one of Teaching Staff in Bachelor Program of Petroleum Engineering-Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) since 1982 and Magister Program of Geothermal Engineering since 2008. She...
Mohammad Hasan Ansori, Ph.D. was born and grown in Gresik City, East Java however, had spent most of my time at Jakarta for school, work, and business. He has finished his Doctoral Program in...
Qodri Syahrur Ramadhan was born in Jambi on March, 1992. He has bachelor degree in Mining Engineering, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Yogyakarta, Indonesia (2013) with his...
Yudha Artika Nganjuk was born in 1984 , has the basic skills as a hydrologist . Graduate degrees in meteorology (formerly the department of geophysics and meteorology ) Bandung Institute of...
Dan Ramadhan Achmad was born in Bandung September 29, 1974. Dan has finished his bachelor degree in the Department of Engineering Geology Institute of Technology Bandung in 1998. He continued his...
Harry Nurulfuad was born in 1985. He has finished his bachelor degree at Padjadjaran University in 2009 from physics major (geophysics program). In 2013, he graduated from Institute Technology of...
Windra Yusman pursued his bachelor’s degree in Physics, in Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Indonesia with a final project related with Geothermal Resource Assessment. He completed his...
Fransiscus Xaverius Guwowijoyo was born on August 3rd, 1990, in Jakarta from a lovable parent, Antonius Suwardi and Yuliana Wuryanti from Javanese lineage. In 1998, he moved to Yogyakarta with his...
Mohamad Imbar Fitriadi, S,Si. MT was born in Bandung on April, 1993. He has finished bachelor degree progam (2015) in physics department Universitas Padjadjaran, with his final project about...
Nursanty Elisabeth Banjarnahor, S.T has a bachelor degree in mechanical engineering, University of Indonesia (UI) with final project about fluids mechanics in micro bubble generator in 2010. She...
Born in Surabaya on March 30th 1990, He have finished his graduate study in geothermal engineering study program in ITB on August 2015. During his study, he also actively worked as a volunteer in...
Akhmad Fanani Akbar, MT was born in 1987. He have graduated from Geophysical Engineering for my Bachelor degree. Right after graduating from Geophysical Engineering, he had an internship at Star...
East Project is a program that aims to utilize geothermal potential in the eastern part of Indonesia based on the local economy. This program is one of the solutions to overcome the high energy requirements. East Project is divided into...
The purpose of social mapping and social engineering activities is to obtain details on the social-economic-politic condition near geothermal field. The activities had been taken places at WKP Arjuno-Welirang (East Java), WKP Bora Pulu...
So many stories behind the development of geothermal energy in Indonesia, which was not widely known. Experiences, thoughts, and ideas from the geothermal activists are not in the public domain media. In fact, these experiences contains...
Dialogue series has been performed twice; The first dialogue is a discussion of the role of stakeholders in response to the Law No. 21 of 2014 on Geothermal and Law No. 23 of 2014 on Local Government, while the second event is a discussion...
Analyzing the cooling requirements by calculating the cooling capacity according existing standards (SNI or ASHRAE) Collecting secondary and primary data, the interpretation of subsurface conditions (groundwater, soil, soil...
To support the energy needs in Indonesia, West Java Provincial Government has a commitment to prioritize geothermal as one of the major energy supplied in West Java. The supports from West Java Government includes Starting from providing...