Mohamad Imbar Fitriadi

Mohamad Imbar Fitriadi

Mohamad Imbar Fitriadi, S,Si. MT was born in Bandung on April, 1993. He has finished bachelor degree progam (2015) in physics department Universitas Padjadjaran, with his final project about vibration detection analysis in rotating machine. He continued his studies in geothermal master program, Institut Teknologi Bandung and graduated in 2019. The title of thesis is Thermodynamic and Economical Analysis for Geothermal-Fossil Hybrid Electricity Convertion System. The thesis discusses about heating up geothermal fluid with a temperature of 179.8 degree celsius which will be heated to a temperature of 479.8 degree celsius by hot gas from fossil fuels combustion, so that additional power generation can be obtained as the result of increasing enthalpy of geothermal fluid. He also active in Indonesia Geothermal Center of Excellence (Indonesia GCoE), a one of geothermal organization as partner of governments; private companies; education and RD institutions; and public & communities to be catalisator, fasilitator, innovator and endorser for geothermal energy development in Indonesia