Ali Fahrurrozie, M.Sc has a B.Sc in chemistry of Indonesia University of Education (2009) with his final project about corrosion (inhibitor) and a M.Sc in geothermal engineering, exploration program with the specific research of geothermal geochemistry from Institute of Technology Bandung (2014). Both of them in Indonesia. During studied at ITB, he was as assistant lecturer in geothermal field camp for two years (2013-2014) and geothermal geochemistry course, assistant instructor in some geothermal exploration (e.g geochemical course) training, and joined many geothermal projects such as field geochemist in project feasibility study of mineral exploration drilling in vicinity Sarulla geothermal system for gold company, geochemist in project of evaluation of Candi Umbul-Telomoyo and Seulawah Agam geothermal prospects for PT. Pertamina; and Preparation of Exploration Work Plan and Budget of WKP-Telaga Ngebel Report for PT. Bakrie Darmakarya Energy; field assistant on geological and structural mapping at Patuha (West Java) and heat flow survey of Lilli-Seporaki and Ampallas (West Sulawesi) geothermal prospects. The past project is collaboration with Center of Geological Resources, Geological Agency, MEMR. He also active in Indonesia Geothermal Center of Excellence (Indonesia GCoE), a one of geothermal organization as partner of governments; private companies; education and RD institutions; and public & communities to be catalisator, fasilitator, innovator and endorser for geothermal energy development in Indonesia. He is interest in exploration for geothermal resources, geochemical sampling and data interpretation, geochemical monitoring, geochemistry for reservoir processes, fluid geochemistry (water, gas, and isotope), environmental geothermal geochemistry, and geothermal education.